- Welcome to ICEB'22
- Final submission checklist
- Photo sharing from HKU
- Photo sharing from TBS
- Certificates of presenters
- ICEB 2023 in National Chung Cheng University (CCU) Venue
- ICEB Home
- Journal of Business & Management
- Prior conferences
- Prior proceedings books
- Ei Compendex accession numbers of ICEB papers
- ICEB Publication Policy
- ICEB member lists
- Contact us
About ICEB'22
- Welcome to ICEB'22
- Thammasat Business School
- Physical meetings in Thammasat, Bangkok
- Virtual conference venues
- Call for papers
- Keynote speakers
- Conference tracks
- Important dates
- Committees
- Editorial board
- Sponsoring journals
Program schedule
- Annual conference events
- Time zone map
- ICEB2022 session overview
- 2022 Program book
- Best paper awards
- Enter ZOOM meetings
- 2022 Informal proceedings zip file (Expired; please visit the formal version )
- Registration guidelines
- Registration forms
- Payment gateway ACCUPASS.com
Initial submission
- Initial submission guidelines
- Initial submission template
- Initial paper submission
Final submission
- Final submission guidelines
- Citation reference styles
- Camera-ready template
- Travel information
- Visa information
- Thailand quarantine rule
- Local attractions
- Airport transportation
- Optional tours
- Hotel room booking
- ICEB Home

Sponsoring Journals

Authors of high-quality papers selected from the conference proceedings have the choices to submit the revised and expanded version of their papers for reviews by the following sponsoring journals. Please indicate in the letter to the editor that "The earlier version of the paper was presented in ICEB 2022 conference."

  1. Electronic Commerce Research (ECR) listed in SSCI
  2. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA) listed in SSCI
  3. Electronic Markets (EM) listed in SSCI
  4. Information & Management (I&M) listed in SSCI
  5. International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC) listed in SSCI
  6. International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB) listed in Inspec/Scopus
  7. International Journal of Information and Computer Security (IJICS) listed in EI/Scopus
  8. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising (IJIMA) listed in Inspec/Scopus
  9. International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (IJIEM) listed in Inspec
  10. International Journal of Information Systems and Management (IJISAM) listed in Inspec
  11. International Journal of Technology Policy and Law (IJTPL) listed in Inspec
  12. Internet Reseasrch (IR) listed in SSCI
  13. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR) listed in SSCI
  14. Journal Business and Management (JBM) listed in ABDC/Cabell's
  15. ESCI/SSCI/SCI journal search

    ABDC journal search

    Scopus journal search

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