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- ICEB 2023 in National Chung Cheng University (CCU) Venue
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About ICEB'22
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Program schedule
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- ICEB2022 session overview
- 2022 Program book
- Best paper awards
- Enter ZOOM meetings
- 2022 Informal proceedings zip file (Expired; please visit the formal version )
- Registration guidelines
- Registration forms
- Payment gateway ACCUPASS.com
Initial submission
- Initial submission guidelines
- Initial submission template
- Initial paper submission
Final submission
- Final submission guidelines
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- Camera-ready template
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ICEB 2022 Registration

Note for registration fee:

The registration fee entitles you to have your abstract or full paper included in the All Papers Zip File and your name and the paper title in the Program Book. However, it does not include publishing your paper in the post-conference formal Proceedings Book. You need to pay the publication fee to get your paper included in the formal Proceedings Book. The book will be indexed by EI and SCOPUS before March next year.

Please note that the registration cannot cover the full cost of running the conference; it can barely support the website hosting, digital archiving, paper editing costs. We are running the conference at a loss. Much of other costs such as communication, scheduling, coordination, book keeping, paper handling, the program book, and EasyChair system management, among others, are supported by many volunteers as a free service to the academic community. Thankfully, the University of Hong Kong has covered the expenses in hosting the ZOOM virtual meetings.

Likewise for the publication fee, it is not enough to cover the full cost of website hosting, paper editing and formatting, proceedings book design and production, maintaining an open access system, Home Office space and expenses, hourly wages, EI/Scopus indexing, AIS-eLibrary maintenance, etc. Therefore, it is not possible to produce an EI/Scopus indexed proceedings book without the support to the Home Office from both Prof. Eldon Li and National Chung Cheng University. We thank you very much for your support and understanding.

HOW MUCH SHOULD I PAY? (using USD as example)

  • For virtual presentation, only one author needs to register with the Regular rate of US$ 50. However, all authors need to pay the ICEB membership fee of US$20 (Regular) or US$10 (Student).
  • For physical meetings, Thammasat Business School has decided NOT to charge any fee but still provide coffee, drink, and one lunch and dinner box. Please visit the physical meeting website for the update.
  • For publication fee, each paper pays US$ 150 to publish in SCOPUS/EI indexed ICEB post-conference proceedings book.

For ALL SCHOLARS: Please choose one of the following two forms to register and pay.

  • Submit your Registration Form in USD and pay though the Payment Gateway (ACCUPASS) with an international credit card. Please note that there is a surcharge of 5% imposed by ACCUPASS and the USD will be exchanged to TWD (NT$) at a fixed rate of US$1=NT$30.

Click here to download Registration Form in USD.

Click here to access ACCUPASS payment gateway.

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